Governmental | Local | Professional Societies | Newspapers | Other
Governmental Links
The Internal Revenue Service
Home of the IRS on the Web. This online service provides helpful resources including forms and publications, rulings and regulations, and allows you to check on the status of your tax refund.
IRS News Release – 2006-049 – IRS
Establishes e-Mail Box for Taxpayers to Report Phony e-Mails
IRS announces that it has established an electronic mailbox for taxpayers to send information about suspicious e-mails they receive which claim to come from the IRS.
Massachusetts Department of Revenue
The Massachusetts DOR Online Service Center provides information about state tax laws, access to the most popular state tax forms, publications and statistical reports, and information about the status of your tax refund.
Information on the Massachusetts Healthcare Mandate
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of State Treasurer
The official website of the Massachusetts Treasurer, among other things, this site allows you to search for abandoned property.
State Revenue Departments
In addition to providing an alphabetical listing of state revenue departments, many states also provide helpful resources including forms and publications, rulings and regulations, etc.
Consumer Price Indexes Home Page
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. The Consumer Price Index affects nearly all Americans because of the many ways it is used: as an economic indicator, as a deflator of other economic series and as a means of adjusting dollar values. top
Social Security Online
The SSA’s site provides information concerning social security programs pertinent to businesses and individuals.
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
This site provides information regarding the SEC including its history, investor assistance programs and current rulemaking and enforcement. top
U.S. Small Business Administration
The mission of the SBA is to maintain and strengthen the nation’s economy by aiding, counseling, assisting and protecting the interests of small businesses and by helping families and businesses recover from national disasters. Their website provides a wealth of information for entrepreneurs and small business owners. top
Local Links
Better Business Bureau
The Better Business Bureaus (BBBs) are committed to the belief that the majority of marketplace problems can be solved through voluntary self-regulation. They understand the perspective of both consumers and businesses. The BBBs champion marketplace ethics and hold member and non-member businesses alike accountable to the highest standards of honesty in their advertising and selling. The BBBs provide information on over two million organizations and assist consumers in resolving complaints. Their popular slogan is, “When in doubt, check it out.” top
Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce
Dedicated to the region’s economic prosperity, vitality, and growth, the Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce serves more than 4,000 businesses throughout Central Massachusetts. top
Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Boston Chamber provides important resources that enhance business success. The Boston Chamber represents over 1,800 businesses of all sizes and industries. top
Corridor Nine Area Chamber of Commerce
The Corridor Nine Area Chamber promotes business well-being and economic development opportunities through a cooperative and integrated approach with business, community and government resources. top
Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Greater Springfield, Inc.
This site is filled with valuable information on area attractions and businesses that invest in the community by investing in the Chamber of Commerce. top
Massachusetts Export Center
You can access a wide variety of export services. These services are designed to help companies at any stage in the export process. Whether you are a small business just starting to export or an experienced exporter, the Massachusetts Export Center stands ready to help with services suited to your needs. top
Profssional Societies
GRK&B is an active member of the JHI community. JHI is a worldwide business network, with member firms from the accountancy and related professions. This website shows how JHI brings benefits to member firms and their clients. top
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Committed to member service and the public interest, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and its predecessors have been serving the accounting profession since 1887. top
Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants (MSCPA)
The Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. is the premier state professional organization of certified public accountants, representing 8,800 members in public practice, industry, government, and education. The Society works to develop and maintain high professional standards and offers a wide array of legislative, technical support and referral services to its members. top
National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts (NACVA)
The National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts is a global, professional association that supports the business valuation, litigation consulting, and fraud deterrence disciplines within the CPA and professional business advisory communities. Along with its training and certification programs, NACVA offers research support, marketing tools, software, journals, reference materials, and proprietary databases to enhance the professional capabilities and capacities of its members. top
Newspapers on the Web
New York Times
An eight-page digest of the New York Times presenting the highlights of the front-page articles, the top foreign, national and business news, sports, results, the daily crossword puzzle, and a selection of editorials and commentaries. top
The Boston Globe
(This site requires user registration)
The Boston Globe Online. Chronicling the news and events of the day in a professional manner, constantly striving to serve the interests of its readers and the communities in which they live. top
Worcester Telegram & Gazette
Worcester’s on-line newspaper. Come browse the T&G for your local news coverage, weather, classifieds, etc. top
Sunday Republican/Union News Newspaper/Mass Live
Provides the latest news from Western Massachusetts. top
The Newspaper Association of America
The Newspaper Association of America provides a large list of U.S. magazines with websites. Some contain the full content and back issues of the publication and others are little more than advertising brochures. top
Pathfinder Site
A site created by Time Warner with access to many newspapers, bulletin boards, chat sessions and other media material. This site is in a constant state of radical revision. Time, Time Daily, People, People Daily, Life, Nightly News, Money Daily, Asia Week and National Reviewonline. top
The Wall Street Journal
The leader in financial news and information (subscription required). top
Other Resource Links
Prime Lending Rate
Along with other useful information, this site provides current and historic prime lending rates. top
OANDA, The Currency Site
A comprehensive source of currency and foreign exchange services on the Web. top
Hoover’s Online
Hoover’s, Inc., delivers comprehensive company, industry, and market intelligence that drives business growth. Its database of 12 million companies, with in-depth coverage of 40,000 of the world’s top business enterprises, is at the core of Hoover’s business tools and services that customers find vital to their business operations. Hoover’s editorial staff of some 80 editors and researchers brings vital business information and knowledge to its coverage, updating the site daily to bring visitors and subscribers the most up-to-date business information in the industry. top
The Association for Manufacturing Excellence
The Association for Manufacturing Excellence, a not-for-profit organization founded in 1985, is an association of 6,000 senior and middle managers wishing to improve their personal performance, as well as the competitiveness of their organizations. top
This site provides helpful information for plan sponsors, small businesses and plan participants. top
Ensuring Fair Insurance Rates
Quotesmith Corp.’s site provides instant rates from 375 companies in the following areas: auto, medical, Medicare supplement, life (no physical exam required), and term life. Current fixed and annuity rates are also available. top
Get all the information you need in business -no matter what the information is-where and when you need it, in whatever form is most appropriate. Bloomberg integrates data, news, and analytics into a single platform delivering information 24 hours a day. top